Whether you are trying to locate an old friend or classmate, an Army buddy, family member or a witness to an accident, we have resources and research techniques that give us the edge in locating them for you. Our staff takes great pride in our ability to succeed where others have failed.
In compliance with anti-stalking laws for private parties, the individual(s) to be located will, in most cases, be notified upon location that you are looking for them and will be given the option of refusing to provide his current contact information. If this person objects to being found, you will still be charged for the investigation, and we will offer to forward your letter or message to them.
Under no circumstances will we take a case from anyone who has, at any time, had a Restraining Order or criminal complaints against them by the person or persons they are seeking. If you have any such cases against you, do not proceed with a quote request or contact our agency in any way. If, during the course of an investigation, we discover that you do have any of these actions against you, the investigation will be terminated and your retainer will not be refunded.
» If you feel we can be of assistance, contact us today for a FREE consultation!
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